Monday, May 30, 2011


It took two weekends, but we have finally finished moving into our new apartment. I got everything put away from our first haul, but now..

There's even more stuff!

I don't even know where to start.

Thank goodness for Craigslist!

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Just a quick, warm welcome to all of my new friends, courtesy of Kim at Millie's Mats! It's exciting to have followers and I look forward to posting my Pay it Forward at the end of the month! You guys can also participate if you'd like. You can win a prize before I post PIF and get two little gifts instead of one :)

It's been depressing, rainy, and dark this week, but these photos were taken the weekend before last. My husband built a bird feeder out of a seltzer water bottle and an ash tray. He was pretty thrilled to see this little guy having a snack!

We are moving soon, not too far from here, so should I disappear for a little while while we wait for our internet to get hooked up, that's why. Hopefully I will finish my current project by then! I am making a BLANKET, can you believe it? I love "Grandma's Favorite dishcloth" pattern so I'm making a ton of squares.. 4 and a half down so far!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

A surprise and a proposition

As soon as I got home last night, DH said "You got a package today," which took me by surprise because I hadn't ordered anything lately. I was so excited to see that it was from Kim of Millie's Mats! I was one of her Pay it Forward winners. I love my package, Kim! She made a beautiful little hooked sachet filled with lavender, a pretty reusable dishcloth, and even the card was lovely! Thank you Kim!

Aren't I lucky to have received this sweet gift?

Now, for a proposition. For the Pay it Forward 'game' I need 5 people to make gifts for. My problem is that I only have 3 followers. SO, a pregame to me posting Pay it Forward is a challenge for you. If you can get me some followers, I will send you something special in the mail AND you will have a chance to be one of my PIF post winners for a second gift. All you have to do is tell them to comment on any post of mine telling me that you sent them. I will track who sends the most followers and in 2 weeks I will draw for a winner and post my Pay it Forward.