Monday, May 30, 2011


It took two weekends, but we have finally finished moving into our new apartment. I got everything put away from our first haul, but now..

There's even more stuff!

I don't even know where to start.

Thank goodness for Craigslist!


  1. WOW, think yard sale, I'd come and help! I see Spike survived the move! How are the kitties adapting? Hope to see you soon, BTW do you have a patch of grass for a garden? Thinking of you, Auntie

  2. I hate moving! When we moved to a country abode, I thought, "gee, not so bad...everything fits and not as much as I thought." Then hubby said, "now lets go get the stuff in storage"...oh, I had forgotten about that! Hope you get it all in or sold!
