Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Sorry friends, I meant to post this a week ago after spending the night with my aunt Julie! She sent me home with some homemade vanilla and som farm fresh eggs -- oh the possibilities!

Sunday, April 18, 2010


I wonder what could be inside this sweet little bag?

Daisy slippers! They're too big, but they're so cute I don't even care. Thanks Auntie!

And yes, that is a daisy tattoo on my foot!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"The Moose"

Due to some unfortunate family circumstances, my husband and I are the proud owners of "the Moose." I've loved this dresser since the first time I ever went to his parents house, and was more than thrilled to give away my grungy old black dresser. We had had plans to get this for a few weeks, but they kept getting pushed back. DH had been keeping all of his skivvies on a bookshelf in the bedroom. He was happy to get this, too!

The funny story behind "the moose" is that he got this when he first moved to the northeast. He thought that moose handles would help him be more "Maine."

I love them!

These little guys keep the "mooses" company!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

Although my parents are away in Florida (for who knows how long), I was able to spend Easter with most of my family! My husband and I drove out to Gorham to have a wonderful brunch at my Aunt Julie's (of Dog Trot Farm) house. Scrambled eggs, bacon, pancakes, berries, syrup, popovers, pastrys, buns, YUM. It was pretty amazing, too bad I didn't take pictures of the food!

I did get to visit with 'the girls' though. They're so big!
Isn't that the cutest hen house ever?