Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Sushi Scarf.

I wanted to knit a scarf that rolled up and looked like a piece of sushi. I could only find patterns for a crochet scarf. This was really easy to make. If I did it again, though, I would have added some red or yellow or used a different green where the 'cucumber' pieces are.

Almost good enough to eat!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


So, I'm currently working on another project that is taking me forever. This weekend I had had enough and wanted something faster that I could get done in no time, sooo.. I cast on with my Encore Mega and my size 15 needles and whipped this up over the course of two days.

Just a basic K1, P1, K1, P1, K1, P1, K1, P1, K1, P1 pattern.
I used almost 2 skeins of this stuff. It is super soft and snuggly.
I wore it while I walked to work yesterday and it kept me warm!

Friday, January 2, 2009


This post is for my Aunt Julie who has been bullying me to update my blog with some more finished work! I started right before Christmas and made two of these scarves. One in a solid brown and one variegated.

I used 2 skeins of Plymouth Yarn Boku for the colorful one and 2 skeins of Brown Sheep Prairie Silks in Burnished Copper for the solid brown. The brown was given to my grandmother as a Christmas gift, and she loved it.

The pattern for this wonderful scarf can be found here. Thanks Hockey Mom.
FYI - both scarves curl up into themselves so they look more like a tube. I haven't tried blocking either one of them yet, but it might be worth a try.